Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lord of the Flies questions (Chapter 6 + 7)

Lord of the Flies Chapter 6 and 7

How do the other boys feel about Ralph/Jack conflict? How does this illustrate group mentality and barbarism?

The other boys are starting to lose their respect for Ralph as a leader. When the hunters go look for the beastie and they find the big rocks. They immediately want to abandon the search and create a fort or a “castle”. Ralph is the one who calls them back to reality and ensures that they maintain their attention on the task at hand. Jack wants to stay and build a fort as well and therefore challenges Ralph’s leadership.  The hunting party then goes on and continues to look for the beastie. At this point the hunters have lost some of the admiration they previously had for Ralph or “the boy with the conch” for going against their wishes.

Later all the boys are hungry and they find a pig but don’t manage to catch it. Although, Ralph feels very proud of himself for injuring the pig the hunters praise goes to Jack who injured himself while trying to catch the pig.

Through these examples we see that the boys have lost their sense of civilization and now rely on savagery. Therefore, the boy who is showing the better traits after this change in the group’s mentality is Jack.

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