Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Macbeth Essay

Have you ever wondered how much of your future is planned out for you? In the play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare the protagonist is called Macbeth he is married to Lady Macbeth, extremely loyal to the king and he is a high ranking officer with the title of “Thane of Glamis”. It seems as though he has everything desirable. Until one day when three weird sisters told Macbeth they could foresee his future as Thane of Cawdor and King. Obligingly, Macbeth feels the urge to make these prophesies come true even if it means harming himself and the ones he loves in doing so. Overall, it can be argued that although the three weird sisters predict Macbeth’s future, they are not responsible for his actions thereafter.

After capturing the king’s traitors Macbeth proves his loyalty to King Duncan. As a reward, the king makes him the Thane of Cawdor as prophesied by the three weird sisters. Act1, scene3:

“And, or an earnest of a greater honour, He bade me, from him, call thee Thane of Cawdor: In which addition, hail, most worthy Thane! For it is thine”

At first Macbeth feels very happy that he is ascending to higher positions in the king’s court but then the ambition of becoming the king comes to his head and floods his thoughts with murderous scenes in which he takes the life of King Duncan. Macbeth is then compelled to send his wife a missive containing the good tidings their prophesied future holds. As a result of this letter, his impatient wife wants these prophesies to come true swiftly and presents an ultimatum to her husband claiming that she would murder her children if he would not act. The king was supposed to come and lodge with them in Glamis and she suggests taking that opportunity to murder him.

Influenced by his wife ultimatum Macbeth stabs and murders King Duncan. After his death, Macbeth doesn’t feel as guilty as he first thought he would. He is then crowned king and becomes obsessed with the newly acquired power and the possibility of someone else murdering him and taking over the throne.  Macbeth constantly reflects on the weird sisters prophesies and frequently remembers his best friend Banquo’s prophesy that one day from his blood line would kings be born. For Banquo’s descendents to become royalty it could only mean that Macbeth would be overthrown by Fleance, Banquo’s only child at some point in his life. Macbeth wants to ensure that his own blood line remains royalty but he comes to the conclusion that such can not be achieved without shading his best friend son’s blood. Act3, Scene1:
“Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown And put a barren scepter in my grip, Thence to be wrenched with an unlineal hand, No son of mine succeeding. If it so be, For Banquo’s issue have I filled my mind.”

In the conclusion of Act 3, Macbeth sends professional murderers to assassinate Banquo and Fleance. The murderers succeed to kill Banquo but are unable to kill his son, which brings much grief to Macbeth. But since Banquo’s son is still very young Macbeth knows that he has nothing to fear for many years.

At last, Macbeth feels that all the prophesies have been fulfilled and craves for further knowledge of his future. At this point in the play, Macbeth feels invincible and that nothing and no one can harm him. He tells his wife he will go and meet the three weird sisters again to try to obtain further information into the future. Act3, Scene4:

“I am in blood Stepp’d in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er”

At this very moment we see that Macbeth has shed so much blood and his heart has become so corrupted that he knows there is no way back from his chosen life course. Macbeth seeks the three weird sisters and requests them to prophesy regarding what his future holds. The weird sisters make three prophesies in the form of riddles:

·         Beware of Macduff;
·         Be cautious of any man born of a C-section;
·         and that no one will ever harm him until the forest of Birnam enters his castle;

Based on these prophesies Macbeth feels confident he can withstand anything and anyone that may attempt to challenge his rule, therefore he sends soldiers to kill Macduff’s wife and children since his enemy was not within his reach. He also orders the forest of Birnam to be cut down to prevent the prophecy being fulfilled.

In the play’s conclusion, the English army invades Macbeth’s castle disguised as bushes from Birnam forest and Macduff is able to kill Macbeth because he feels intimidated when he realizes that his foe was born of a C-section.

Therefore, in my opinion the three weird sisters were only allowing Macbeth to know what the future held for him. The decisions he made with the information he was given were pure corruption of the easily influenced human mind. Macbeth knew what was destined to be but as many of Shakespeare’s heroes he had a tragic flaw, he was impatient, he wanted everything to occur now and not in its due time. As a conclusion, my opinion is that the three weird sister were not responsible for the events and actions set in motion by Macbeth’s human imperfections.

Lord of the Flies Questions (Chapters 3 and 4)

Chapters 3 and 4

Where odes Simon go? What role is he starting to take in the story? Why is it important that he slips away from the ground?
Simon goes off to a clearing in the jungle and hides in an area covered by a “curtain” of creepers. Simon is beginning to be a major character in the book. Although, Simon is not fighting like the others for a leadership position, he has shown his worth as an individual by helping Ralph in what he needs and aiding the little ones reach fruits that are too high up in the trees for them to get (an act of compassion that none of the other older boys would have taken).
It’s important that Simon slips away because his name has a religious connotation with Simon Peter the apostle. This apostle was Jesus’s right hand and therefore Simon shows his connection with nature and natural order of things when he slips away in the jungle to be surrounded but the trees and wildlife.

Why does Jack break the spectacles? Why is this important? What does it say about the two worlds on pg 60? How does Ralph lose face through Jack’s apology? And again assert himself as chief?
Jack breaks the spectacles after hitting Piggy in the face for crying at the realization that their chance to be rescued went up in smoke that was never lit by Jack. Breaking the spectacles is important because it defines Jack’s character as a bully and one who wants to overpower all the others by force, but also reduces their chance of being rescued because the spectacles are the only way for them to create the signal fire.
In page 60 it talks about the world of freedom that exists in the island and how it feels very peculiar for some of the characters and the world of punishment and cause and effect in the previous lives of the boys.
Ralph loses face through Jack’s apology because he does not forgive his fellow companion for making a human mistake and caring more about hunting his pigs than maintaining the signal fire going. He then asserts himself as chief again when he calls a meeting at night and tells everyone what they are supposed to be doing but are not and that as chief he is ordering them to begin following instructions so they can survive and see the day when a rescue boat comes to save them.

Ferrero Mahal's Diary Entries (Fictional Character)

Ferrero’s Diary

06/08/2002                                                                                                               Buenos Aires
She started her journey through Argentina. There was no backing down now. Bags in hand, possibilities ahead, what else could be better than this she thought. If her parents and society wanted her to be a doctor well then it was definitely a plumber she was going to be. Now in the face of an adventure, she stepped into it with a smile across her face.

13/08/2002                                                                                                               Buenos Aires
The hotels had all been filled in Buenos Aires and there was no room for her. But that didn’t stop her from getting her tent out in the cold and uninviting soil of the camp site. She met Pablo Michael a charming man who did not share her parent’s opinion on what life should be like. She learns how to define what she wants to be before trying to become it.

25/09/2002                                                                                                               Santa Rosa
Now in Santa Rosa she meets an old couple: Rosa and Pedro. She spends a few days with them, their beautiful garden and their guard dog, Luna. They teach her what plants to grow for each season and Pedro teaches her how to hunt in case she has to spend any other nights away from the comforts of a hotel. She leaves feeling she learned another important principle: learn from her mistakes, live everyday like its her last and hope for a better tomorrow.

30/10/2002                                                                                                               Neuquén
She arrives at a small village in the city of Neuquén, in a taxi that is older than her great-grandfather.  The village is dirty and the hotels are run down. There is no chance she will be spending her time in such a place. Therefore, she takes her possessions and camps in field of corn. The sounds of the night creatures outside her tent make her consider turning around and calling her parents to come pick her up. But they are very far away and She feels intense loneliness and fear.

05/11/2002                                                                                                               Viedma
She had to leave the corn field as quick as she could since the owners thought she was trying to steal the crops. She left most of her map, her tent and her compass behind in the process of running away. There was no time to get a taxi so she ran to the high way and got a ride from an old woman (Serena Mascarada) to Viedma. On the way she got to know Serena. Serena, a 60 year old woman, with a deceased husband and a small Chihuahua for a pet offered Ferrero to stay in her house. She was fascinated with her long journey and wanted to learn the more she could about Ferrero’s life.

08/11/2002                                                                                                                           Viedma
After spending some time with Serena it was time to leave.  But as Ferrero walked out the door Serena stopped her, gave her a big hug and said that unless Ferrero was willing to give up some things she valued she could never truly change for she would always be in control of the things that were holding her back. Therefore, Ferrero took all the money she had with her and asked Serena to take it for the food and shelter she had given her. Although, the old woman refused at first after much persuasion she decided to accept it. Ferrero felt this huge weight being taken from her shoulders as she continued her journey.

13/11/2002                                                                                                   Perito Moreno
Ferrero accepted a ride from an attractive man named Alonso Macedo. As they talked on their way to Perito Moreno she felt something stir inside her as she looked in his sparkling eyes. She spent two weeks with Alonso and that was enough for her to fall in love. They spent each day in each others company, enjoying nature and nurturing their love. But as the days went by Ferrero saw it was time for her to leave. Alonso asked for her to stay with him and spend the rest of her life in his company. But that just wasn’t enough for her, she had set out in this journey with a goal and she was going to achieve it.  He gave her a ride to the bus station, gave her a passionate kiss and his photograph with his number on the back.

20/11/2002                                                                                                                           Ushuaia
She arrives to a small city name Ushuaia. There is only a flight from here to her final destination: Tierra del Fuego.  She decides to spend some time in this city to renew her strength and take some pictures using the ticket she had previously purchased to Tierra del Fuego. She asks this young man (Alberto) is he can show her around the city. He willingly agrees and takes Ferrero to places she never believed could exist. Exotic forests, majestic waterfalls, underground caves. For the next three days they spent time sight seeing and enjoying each others company.  Until one day Ferrero realized that Alberto was in fact demonstrating some feelings for her. She told him she could not be in a relationship with him since her heart belonged to somebody else and she had to find herself in this trip. He looked at her for what seemed like a long time and told her that life has no meaning without someone she cared about to share it with.
“Life has no meaning without someone to share it with”

24/11/2002                                                                                                   Tierra del Fuego
The next day Ferrero packed her few belongings and boarded the plane with a smile across her face as she saw the end of her journey near. She exited the plane 3 hours later and as she left the airport she experienced the coldest moment of her life. That day she checked in the hotel she had pre-paid for but as she entered her room she felt like a complete stranger in the luxuries of her own choice. After refreshing herself she went out with her guide and group to see more of the city. At the end of the day she returned to the hotel ate dinner alone, watched the news in the lobby and finally went up to her room. As she put her hand in her pocket to take her room keys out, she touched a small piece of paper. As she took it out and opened it she saw the picture of Alonso. The next thing she knew she was calling the reception asking them to change her flight to tonight and to gather her few belongings. One hour later she was in a plane headed to Perito Moreno.

25/11/2002                                                                                                               Perito Moreno
Twelve hours later Ferrero was exiting the plane in Perito Moreno. She had called Alonso from the hotel room before she had left but he hadn’t picked up so she had left a voicemail with the details of her flight and her declaration of love for him. She ran out of the arrival gates and looked all around for him. After not seeing him there she realized that maybe she had let it go for too long and that perhaps he didn’t want to see her again. But as she glanced around once more she saw him entering the airport. They ran into each others arms and gave a very long kiss. And she whispered into his hear “I’m never leaving you again”.

“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do”
“Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.”
“Unless you are prepared to give up something valuable you will never be able to truly change at all, because you’ll be forever in the control of things you can’t give up”
“Unless you are prepared to give up something valuable you will never be able to truly change at all, because you’ll be forever in the control of things you can’t give up”

Lord of the Flies Questions (Chapter 8)

Lord of the FliesChapter 8
What is Simon doing? What is he becoming?

Simon is talking to the lord of the Flies, which appears to him in the form of the pig’s head. The Lord of the Flies tells Simon that he lives inside each human being and that he cannot run away from him. He leaves off by saying that he will have fun with the boys. Simon is becoming corrupted. He isn’t the pure apostle like figure he used to be and now believes in superstition.

What does Jack propose to deal with the beast? Will that be successful? What is he telling the kids to do? Why is hunting more important than then fire?

Jack proposes to leave the head of the pig as an offering to the beastie. This is not successful because latter the Lord of Flies appears through the pig’s head and tells Simon that he will have “fun” with the boys. A demonstration that the offering Jack gave The Lord of the Flies wasn’t enough for him to leave the boys alone.

Jack is telling the kids to join his hunting party and leave the fire. He promises them food and protection with his hunting skills. At this point in the book food and protection from the beastie are more important for survival of the boys than the reliance on the survival boat that is never going to arrive. 

Lord of the Flies questions (Chapter 6 + 7)

Lord of the Flies Chapter 6 and 7

How do the other boys feel about Ralph/Jack conflict? How does this illustrate group mentality and barbarism?

The other boys are starting to lose their respect for Ralph as a leader. When the hunters go look for the beastie and they find the big rocks. They immediately want to abandon the search and create a fort or a “castle”. Ralph is the one who calls them back to reality and ensures that they maintain their attention on the task at hand. Jack wants to stay and build a fort as well and therefore challenges Ralph’s leadership.  The hunting party then goes on and continues to look for the beastie. At this point the hunters have lost some of the admiration they previously had for Ralph or “the boy with the conch” for going against their wishes.

Later all the boys are hungry and they find a pig but don’t manage to catch it. Although, Ralph feels very proud of himself for injuring the pig the hunters praise goes to Jack who injured himself while trying to catch the pig.

Through these examples we see that the boys have lost their sense of civilization and now rely on savagery. Therefore, the boy who is showing the better traits after this change in the group’s mentality is Jack.

How does Atticus’s parenting contribute to the growth and maturity of the children?

How does Atticus’s parenting contribute to the growth and maturity of the children?

By using different ways of teaching Atticus, allows his children to mature with good principles and behavior. As Scout and Jem come to Atticus for help through the stages of their life, they learn from their father principles and rules that can make their life as adults easier if correctly applied. As a single parent Atticus excels at raising his children even thought there is not a mother in the house to provide the guidance and compassion that mothers normally have a gift for.

Atticus Finch teaches his children to do what is right and correct, by encouraging them and demonstrating how attitudes can affect life: “If you’ll concede the necessity of going to school, we’ll go on reading every night just as we always have” (page 37) Atticus understands the pressure that Scout feels from her teacher but wants her to persist. This demonstrates Atticus wants Scout to follow her teacher’s instructions and learn to live with the pressures of life and at the same time to enjoy the activities she loves while learning more through additional readings. “Let’s get this: you do as Calpurnia tells you, you do as I tell you, and as long as your aunt’s in this house, you will do as she tells you. Understand?” (Page 142) This statement demonstrates that Atticus wants is daughter to demonstrate respect for everyone including servants even if that means she has to keep her opinions for herself. In this passage Atticus is trying to demonstrate to his daughter that in life she has to respect people even if she does not agree with their opinions. It is clear that Atticus cares about his children enough to demonstrate to them how certain behaviors can affect their life.

Atticus corrects his children’s behavior and language, causing their behaviors to alter towards some topics. “Don’t say nigger, Scout. That’s common.” (Page 81) This make obvious that even thought Atticus knows everyone in town use the term “niggers” to refer to black people he wants his children to be better than that. Therefore, we see that Atticus is a caring father because he wants his children to behave in a more caring and respectful manner and therefore become better citizens. ”Somehow, if I fought Cecil I would let Atticus down” (Page 83) in this quote Scout explains the reasons why she felt compelled not to fight. Her father taught her to be a better person and she respected his opinion. This demonstrates that no matter how much Atticus feels his children sometimes do not respect him because of the lack of a mother, they still do. It is clear that the principles Atticus teaches them so well that his children feel compelled to follow those teachings word for word given that they fear disappointing Atticus.

Lastly, Atticus wants to introduce some behavior changes in his life before he can teach his children. “The main one is, if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town, I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again.” (Page 81) This statement demonstrates that Atticus wants to apply correct principles to his life before teaching his children. Atticus believes that he can not demand from his children something he is not applying to his life himself. “Heck, can’t you even try to see it my way?... If they don’t trust me they won’t trust anybody.” (Page 280) Atticus wants to prove that Jem is innocent trough the law and not trough his own connections. His attitudes influence the reader to believe that Atticus has integrity because despite loving his son he believes that the law should demonstrate his innocence and not the connections that he as a father has with the sheriff. It is obvious that Atticus enjoys teaching his children not only trough words but through his example and the application of laws and rules.

Atticus sets a great model to what parents should be nowadays because through the examples mentioned above his children will eventually become adults with principles and those principles will help them succeed through their life. Although his children believe that the education he provides is very strict and does not allow them many times to do what they would like it is still very important to set the correct structures that will help them grow and mature. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Great Gatsby

Why does Fitzgerald choose to insert a quote at the beginning of the novel?

Fitzgerald chose to include this quote at the beginning of the novel so the reader can have a perception of what themes and ideas the novel is about.

In the novel, Mr. jay Gatsby is a wealthy man who lives in West Egg. His large mansion does not cease to fascinate people and his wild parties make strangers travel miles just to experience it for themselves. But the character Fitzgerald creates (Jay Gatsby) rarely mingles with his guests and does not seem content with his life.  Therefore, this forces the reader to wonder about what the character of Gatsby wants. The answer comes through the narrator of the story (Nick Carraway) when he tells the audience that all the wealth his friend, Jay Gatsby, has and the majestic parties he makes are to reconquer his teenage love, Daisy Buchanan (Nick’s second cousin).

When Gatsby and Daisy were young and in love, they wanted to marry each other. But there was a setback Daisy was raised in a wealthy, respectable family, and her parents wanted her to marry someone of the same of higher status.

Gatsby was very poor and knew that he stood no chance in realizing the expensive dreams his sweetheart had. As a result, he became an officer and inherited all of his money from a “deceased friend” years later. But in that period of time, Daisy had already married Tom Buchanan. Consequently, Gatsby made it his life-long goal to reconquer the heart of the woman he loved. Not only did Gatsvy love the woman but also the wealth and status she represented. That is the reason why he built his mansion across the bay from her house and had many parties, in the hope that one day she would enter his life as a ray of sunshine.

Therefore, the quote by Thomas Parke D’Invillers ties into the novel, as a description of what the character of Gatsby was willing to do so that Daisy could return to him. Because of all the traits he would have if he would achieve the “lover, gold-hatted” status; he would be able to have Daisy crying “I must have you”.