Of mice and men
Serial Word Meaning
1 Junctures- A juncture is where two things come together. The juncture of a willow leaf is where the two sides of the leaf meet in the center.
2 Debris- remains. In this case, the "debris of the winter's flooding" would be drops of water falling from the leaves of the tree.
3 Mottled- having a variety of hues or colors; variegated, like marble
4 Recumbent- still; without movement
5 Morosely- in a sad, gloomy manner
6 Lumbered- to move ponderously
7 Pantomine- an ancient Roman dramatic performance featuring a solo dancer and a narrative chorus
8 Contemplated- To contemplate something is to think about it. Lennie is thinking about running away.
9 Imperiously- marked by arrogant assurance
10 Anguished- anguish is a feeling of great physical or mental pain. The look on Lennie's face would show the mental pain he feels at the thought of George leaving him.
11 Yammered- to utter repeated cries of distress or sorrow
12 Scoff- an expression of scorn, derision, or contempt
13 Mollified- to soothe in temper or disposition
14 Pugnacious- having a quarrelsome or combative nature
15 Gingerly- very cautious or careful
16 Handy- conveniently near
17 Omiously- in a threatening way
18 Slough- get rid of
19 Derogatory- belittling and insulting
20 Flounced- to go with sudden determination
21 Plaintively- expressive of suffering or woe
22 Decisive- having the power or quality of deciding
23 Complacently- unconcerned
24 Smugly- highly self-satisfied